ADA Programming Guide
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-- --
-- --
-- A D A . D I R E C T _ I O --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.5 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- The GNAT library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by --
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. The GNAT library is distributed in the hope that it will --
-- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty --
-- Library General Public License for more details. You should have --
-- received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with --
-- the GNAT library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free --
-- Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Ada.Storage_IO;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
with System.File_Aux; use System.File_Aux;
package body Ada.Direct_IO is
package Stor_IO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Element_Type => Element_Type);
type Pstring is access String;
type File_Control_Block is record
Name : chars_ptr := Null_Ptr;
Mode : File_Mode;
Form : Pstring;
Descriptor : C_File_Ptr;
Index : Positive_Count;
Size : Count;
end record;
type Open_Type is (Create, Open);
type C_Mode_Type is array (Open_Type, File_Mode) of chars_ptr;
C_Mode : C_Mode_Type := (others => (others => Null_Ptr));
Buffer : Stor_IO.Buffer_Type;
-- Local Subprograms --
function To_Element_Index (Index : in C_Long_Int) return Positive_Count;
pragma Inline (To_Element_Index);
-- Converts from the zero-based byte index which is used by the C file
-- positioning functions to the one-based element index which is used
-- by the Ada.Direct_IO routines.
function To_Byte_Index (Index : in Positive_Count) return C_Long_Int;
pragma Inline (To_Byte_Index);
-- Converts from the one-based element index which is used by the
-- Ada.Direct_IO routines to the zero-based byte index which is used
-- by the C file positioning functions.
procedure Confirm_File_Is_Open (File : in File_Type);
pragma Inline (Confirm_File_Is_Open);
-- Checks to make sure the given file is open.
-- If not, it raises Status_Error.
procedure Confirm_File_Is_Closed (File : in File_Type);
pragma Inline (Confirm_File_Is_Closed);
-- Checks to make sure the given file is closed.
-- If not, it raises Status_Error.
function New_Temp_File_Name return chars_ptr;
-- Returns a name that is a valid file name and that is not the same as
-- the name of an existing external file.
function Current_Size_Of (File : in File_Type) return Count;
-- Returns the current size in elements of the external file that is
-- associated with the given file. The given file must be open.
-- Close --
procedure Close (File : in out File_Type) is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
if C_Fclose (File.Descriptor) /= 0 then
raise Device_Error;
end if;
File := null;
end Close;
-- Confirm_File_Is_Open --
procedure Confirm_File_Is_Open (File : in File_Type) is
if not Is_Open (File) then
raise Status_Error;
end if;
end Confirm_File_Is_Open;
-- Confirm_File_Is_Closed --
procedure Confirm_File_Is_Closed (File : in File_Type) is
if Is_Open (File) then
raise Status_Error;
end if;
end Confirm_File_Is_Closed;
-- Create --
procedure Create
(File : in out File_Type;
Mode : in File_Mode := Inout_File;
Name : in String := "";
Form : in String := "")
Confirm_File_Is_Closed (File);
File := new File_Control_Block;
-- A null string for Name specifies creation of a temporary file.
if Name'Length = 0 then
File.Name := New_Temp_File_Name;
File.Name := New_String (Name);
end if;
File.Descriptor := C_Fopen (Filename => File.Name,
Mode => C_Mode (Create, Mode));
-- If the C fopen call fails, it returns a null pointer.
if C_Void_Ptr (File.Descriptor) = C_Null then
raise Name_Error;
end if;
File.Mode := Mode;
File.Form := new String'(Form);
-- The size of the external file is needed to implement the Size
-- function and the End_Of_File function. The size of the external
-- file can be found by performing an fseek to the end of the external
-- file, querying the file position, and then performing another fseek
-- back to the original position. This is very portable and reasonably
-- efficient if done only once. However, it would be too clumsy to
-- perform two fseeks every time Size or End_Of_File is called.
-- Instead, Current_Size_Of (which actually performs the fseeks) is
-- called only once at the time of the opening of the file. The size
-- of the external file is then stored in the file control block. The
-- Write procedure is the only procedure that can change the size of
-- the external file, and it contains code to adjust the size stored
-- in the file control block if the size of the external file increases.
File.Size := Current_Size_Of (File);
File.Index := 1;
end Create;
-- Current_Size_Of --
function Current_Size_Of (File : in File_Type) return Count is
Current_Byte_Index : C_Long_Int;
Current_Byte_Size : C_Long_Int;
Current_Byte_Index := C_Ftell (File.Descriptor);
if C_Fseek (Stream => File.Descriptor,
Offset => 0,
Whence => C_Seek_End) /= 0 then
raise Device_Error;
end if;
Current_Byte_Size := C_Ftell (File.Descriptor);
if C_Fseek (Stream => File.Descriptor,
Offset => Current_Byte_Index,
Whence => C_Seek_Set) /= 0 then
raise Device_Error;
end if;
return To_Element_Index (Current_Byte_Size) - 1;
end Current_Size_Of;
-- Delete --
procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type) is
File_Name_To_Delete : chars_ptr;
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
-- The file should be closed before calling the C remove function.
-- If the file is open, the behavior of the remove function is
-- implementation-defined. Closing the file, however, means we
-- lose the info in the file control block, so we have to save the
-- file name temporarily in order to have it for use with the remove
-- function.
File_Name_To_Delete := File.Name;
Close (File);
if C_Remove (File_Name_To_Delete) /= 0 then
raise Use_Error;
end if;
end Delete;
-- Form --
function Form (File : in File_Type) return String is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
return File.Form.all;
end Form;
-- Index --
function Index (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
return File.Index;
end Index;
-- Is_Open --
function Is_Open (File : in File_Type) return Boolean is
return File /= null;
end Is_Open;
-- Mode --
function Mode (File : in File_Type) return File_Mode is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
return File.Mode;
end Mode;
-- Name --
function Name (File : in File_Type) return String is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
return Value (File.Name);
end Name;
-- New_Temp_File_Name --
function New_Temp_File_Name return chars_ptr is
Temp_File_Name : String := "ADATMPXX";
C_Temp_File_Name : chars_ptr;
C_Temp_File_Name := New_String (Temp_File_Name);
C_Temp_File_Name := C_Mktemp (C_Temp_File_Name);
return C_Temp_File_Name;
end New_Temp_File_Name;
-- Open --
procedure Open
(File : in out File_Type;
Mode : in File_Mode;
Name : in String;
Form : in String := "")
Confirm_File_Is_Closed (File);
File := new File_Control_Block;
File.Name := New_String (Name);
File.Descriptor := C_Fopen (Filename => File.Name,
Mode => C_Mode (Open, Mode));
-- If the C fopen call fails, it returns a null pointer.
if C_Void_Ptr (File.Descriptor) = C_Null then
raise Name_Error;
end if;
File.Mode := Mode;
File.Form := new String'(Form);
-- The size of the external file is needed to implement the Size
-- function and the End_Of_File function. The size of the external
-- file can be found by performing an fseek to the end of the external
-- file, querying the file position, and then performing another fseek
-- back to the original position. This is very portable and reasonably
-- efficient if done only once. However, it would be too clumsy to
-- perform two fseeks every time Size or End_Of_File is called.
-- Instead, Current_Size_Of (which actually performs the fseeks) is
-- called only once at the time of the opening of the file. The size
-- of the external file is then stored in the file control block. The
-- Write procedure is the only procedure that can change the size of
-- the external file, and it contains code to adjust the size stored
-- in the file control block if the size of the external file increases.
File.Size := Current_Size_Of (File);
File.Index := 1;
end Open;
-- Read --
procedure Read
(File : in File_Type;
Item : out Element_Type;
From : in Positive_Count)
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
Set_Index (File, From);
Read (File, Item);
end Read;
procedure Read (File : in File_Type; Item : out Element_Type) is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
if File.Mode = Out_File then
raise Mode_Error;
end if;
if End_Of_File (File) then
raise End_Error;
end if;
-- Peforming an fseek here forces the current index stored in the
-- file control block to match the file position indicator used by
-- the C file IO functions. They might not match due to a previous
-- call to Set_Index. Additionally, this takes care of the buffering
-- problem associated with update mode files. Such files may not mix
-- reads and writes without an intervening call to fflush or to a
-- file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind).
if C_Fseek (Stream => File.Descriptor,
Offset => To_Byte_Index (File.Index),
Whence => C_Seek_Set) /= 0
raise Device_Error;
end if;
-- The C fread function returns the number of elements successfully
-- read. Since we only read one element at a time and we have already
-- checked for end of file, if the number of elements successfully read
-- does not equal the number of elements requested, it is considered to
-- be a Device_Error.
if C_Fread (Ptr => C_Void_Ptr (Buffer'Address),
Size => C_Size_T (Buffer'Length),
Nmemb => 1,
Stream => File.Descriptor) /= 1
raise Device_Error;
end if;
Stor_IO.Read (Buffer, Item);
File.Index := File.Index + 1;
end Read;
-- Reset --
procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type; Mode : in File_Mode) is
Old_File : File_Type := File;
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
Close (File);
Open (File, Mode, Value (Old_File.Name), Old_File.Form.all);
end Reset;
procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type) is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
Reset (File, File.Mode);
end Reset;
-- Set_Index --
procedure Set_Index (File : in File_Type; To : in Positive_Count) is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
-- It is not an error to set the current index of the given file to
-- a value which exceeds the current size of the file.
File.Index := To;
end Set_Index;
-- Size --
function Size (File : in File_Type) return Count is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
return File.Size;
end Size;
-- To_Element_Index --
function To_Element_Index (Index : in C_Long_Int) return Positive_Count is
return Positive_Count ((Index / Buffer'Length) + 1);
end To_Element_Index;
-- To_Byte_Index --
function To_Byte_Index (Index : in Positive_Count) return C_Long_Int is
return C_Long_Int ((Count (Index) - 1) * Buffer'Length);
end To_Byte_Index;
-- Write --
procedure Write
(File : in File_Type;
Item : in Element_Type;
To : in Positive_Count)
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
Set_Index (File, To);
Write (File, Item);
end Write;
procedure Write (File : in File_Type; Item : in Element_Type) is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
if File.Mode = In_File then
raise Mode_Error;
end if;
Stor_IO.Write (Buffer, Item);
-- Peforming an fseek here forces the current index stored in the
-- file control block to match the file position indicator used by
-- the C file IO functions. They might not match due to a previous
-- call to Set_Index. Additionally, this takes care of the buffering
-- problem associated with update mode files. Such files may not mix
-- reads and writes without an intervening call to fflush or to a
-- file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind).
if C_Fseek (Stream => File.Descriptor,
Offset => To_Byte_Index (File.Index),
Whence => C_Seek_Set) /= 0
raise Device_Error;
end if;
-- The C fwrite function returns the number of elements successfully
-- written, which will less than the number of elements requested only
-- if a write error is encountered. Such a situation is considered to
-- be a Device_Error.
if C_Fwrite (Ptr => C_Void_Ptr (Buffer'Address),
Size => C_Size_T (Buffer'Length),
Nmemb => 1,
Stream => File.Descriptor) /= 1
raise Device_Error;
end if;
-- If the size of the file has increased, store the new size in the
-- file control block.
if File.Index > File.Size then
File.Size := File.Index;
end if;
File.Index := File.Index + 1;
end Write;
-- End_Of_File --
function End_Of_File (File : in File_Type) return Boolean is
Confirm_File_Is_Open (File);
if File.Mode = Out_File then
raise Mode_Error;
end if;
return Index (File) > Size (File);
end End_Of_File;
-- Package Elaboration --
-- The following possible modes for the C fopen function are given here
-- for reference:
-- r open text file for reading
-- w truncate to zero length or create text file for writing
-- a append; open or create text file for writing at end-of-file
-- r open file for reading
-- w truncate to zero length or create file for writing
-- a append; open or create file for writing at end-of-file
-- r+ open text file for update (reading and writing)
-- w+ truncate to zero length or create text file for update
-- a+ append; open or create text file for update, writing at end-of-file
-- r+ open file for update (reading and writing)
-- w+ truncate to zero length or create file for update
-- a+ append; open or create file for update, writing at end-of-file
-- Notes:
-- (1) Opening a file with read mode fails if the file does not exist or
-- cannot be read.
-- (2) Opening a file with append mode causes all subsequent writes to the
-- file to be forced to the then current end-of-file, regardless of
-- intervening calls to the fseek function.
-- (3) When a file is opened with update mode, both input and output may be
-- performed on the associated stream. However, output may not be directly
-- followed by input without an intervening call to the fflush function or
-- to a file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind), and input
-- may not be directly followed by output without an intervening call to a
-- file positioning function, unless the input operation encounters
-- end-of-file.
C_Mode (Create, In_File) := New_String ("w+");
C_Mode (Create, Out_File) := New_String ("w+");
C_Mode (Create, Inout_File) := New_String ("w+");
C_Mode (Open, In_File) := New_String ("r+");
C_Mode (Open, Out_File) := New_String ("r+");
C_Mode (Open, Inout_File) := New_String ("r+");
end Ada.Direct_IO;